
yb_stats by default prints as little as it can to the screen, and will therefore NOT show issues that it can overcome.

In order to let yb_stats provide more information about what it encountering, you can increase the logging level. The default logging level is error, which will also terminate execution. This is how that is done:

Logging level warning: warn:

RUST_LOG=warn yb_stats
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: server, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedU64MetricValue {
        name: "threads_running_thread_pool",
        value: 18446744073709551614,
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: cluster, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedBooleanMetricValue {
        name: "is_load_balancing_enabled",
        value: false,
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: server, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedU64MetricValue {
        name: "threads_running_thread_pool",
        value: 18446744073709551614,
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: cluster, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedBooleanMetricValue {
        name: "is_load_balancing_enabled",
        value: true,
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: server, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedU64MetricValue {
        name: "threads_running_thread_pool",
        value: 18446744073709551614,
[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: cluster, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedBooleanMetricValue {
        name: "is_load_balancing_enabled",
        value: false,
Begin metrics snapshot created, press enter to create end snapshot for difference calculation.

These are some statistics that do not fit the type (both have been solved, but not yet made it to a public release). The warn level still is reasonably silent.

All available log levels, with increased verbosity are:

  • error (default)
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • trace

Please be aware that beyond info, the amount of output can be high.

Advanced logging

If you want to understand more about a specific module, you can enable a logging level for that module only. This requires an understanding of the module system in rust, however, the module can be seen in the output such as seen previously:

[2022-10-21T09:38:56Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: ...

yb_stats::metrics is the module and submodule here.

In order to produce trace level logging for yb_stats::metrics only use:

RUST_LOG="yb_stats::metrics=trace" yb_stats

To set different logging levels for different modules, separate them with a comma:

RUST_LOG="yb_stats::metrics=trace,yb_stats::rpcs=info" ./target/release/yb_stats --snapshot
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::rpcs] perform_rpcs_snapshot
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::metrics] perform_snapshot (metrics)
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::rpcs] Could not parse json data for rpcs, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::metrics] ( error parsing /metrics json data for metrics, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::rpcs] Could not parse json data for rpcs, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::rpcs] Could not parse json data for rpcs, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::metrics] ( error parsing /metrics json data for metrics, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z INFO  yb_stats::metrics] ( error parsing /metrics json data for metrics, error: expected value at line 1 column 1
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: server, metric_id: yb.ysqlserver, metric_attribute_namespace_name: -, metric_attribute_table_name: -
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: server, metric_id: yb.cqlserver, metric_attribute_namespace_name: -, metric_attribute_table_name: -
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z WARN  yb_stats::metrics] statistic that is unknown or inconsistent: hostname_port:, type: server, namespace: -, table_name: -: RejectedU64MetricValue {
        name: "threads_running_thread_pool",
        value: 18446744073709551613,
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: server, metric_id: yb.tabletserver, metric_attribute_namespace_name: -, metric_attribute_table_name: -
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: tablet, metric_id: 5abf0e6155ea4f64860325f6cfd2332a, metric_attribute_namespace_name: system, metric_attribute_table_name: transactions
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: tablet, metric_id: e0ac5a9011874a668654e97ca348833d, metric_attribute_namespace_name: system, metric_attribute_table_name: transactions
[2022-10-21T10:01:13Z TRACE yb_stats::metrics] metric_type: tablet, metric_id: 21962b8b5dbd4a6f99c3f3d5bc0780a6, metric_attribute_namespace_name: yugabyte, metric_attribute_table_name: t