vars diff

Whenever yb_stats is used in ad-hoc diff mode or in snapshot-diff mode, it will read the vars (gflags) using the /api/v1/varz endpoint. This is executed for both the masters and the tablet servers. This is done during the begin and end snapshots.

Example of a changed var on all servers between and begin and end snapshot:

*   Vars: ysql_enable_packed_row                             false->true Default->Custom
*   Vars: ysql_enable_packed_row                             false->true Default->Custom
*   Vars: ysql_enable_packed_row                             false->true Default->Custom

This shows that on the servers, and servers on endpoint 9000 (the default tablet server port) a change was detected and reported.

  • The var/gflag is ysql_enabled_packed_row.
  • The value is changed from false to true.
  • The change of var changed the type of var from Default (non changed) to Custom (changed).