In lots of cases it might be really convenient to have historical snapshots, so you can "look back in time". This can be done by scheduling running yb_stats
via the crontab.
Install yb_stats using the RPM. See install
Create a directory on a filesystem with enough diskspace
mkdir /home/yugabyte/yb_stats-history
In this example a directory in the home directory of the yugabyte user is used.
It is hard to specify 'enough' for the above statement of 'with enough diskspace'. It depends on the size of the cluster.
In general it's best to run yb_stats
in a separate directory, so that it can use it's own .env
- Setup run configuration with
cd /home/yugabyte/yb_stats-history
yb_stats --hosts,, --parallel 3
This will trigger ad-hoc mode, press enter and validate if it fetched the correct hosts and endpoints. Be conservative with parallellism. See parallel
- Schedule
in crontab
crontab -e
5 */1 * * * yb_stats_path="/home/yugabyte/yb_stats-history" && (date && cd $yb_stats_path && /usr/local/bin/yb_stats --snapshot) >> $yb_stats_path/yb_stats_run.out 2>&1
- Let logrotate cleanup old yb-stats snapshots:
vi /etc/logrotate.d/yb_stats
File contents:
/home/yugabyte/yb_stats-history/yb_stats.snapshots {
rotate 7
Mind the place from where logrotate scans the files (/home/yugabyte/yb_stats-history/yb_stats.snapshots
), and the cleaning schedule: daily
logrotate will allow files that are not touched for 7 times: so files are kept for a week.
This currently will leave the removed snapshots in the snapshot.index file.